For Laundromat Business Owners
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    Help your homebound customers with their laundry needs!

Maximize Revenue

Looking to grow your business? Want to protect your investment? Earn ancillary income and maximize profits today!

Expert Knowledge

Learn from Beverly Kay, former owner of Beverly’s Laundromat, where unique fluff and fold services were first created.

Staff Education

Staff selection, training, and customer service skills are explored. Complimentary supplemental materials are also provided.

Best Practices

Learn industry best practices and how to implement them.

Build a Successful Laundry Business Based on Our Proven Formula

Established in 2010, Fluff and Fold Services were created in order to teach laundry business owners and potential investors how to successfully build their laundry businesses to be more profitable. Consultant Beverly Kay may be the first and only person in the laundry industry who is laser-focused on the multifaceted opportunities which will result in huge profits when doing things... The Beverly Kay Way!


Fluff and Fold Services Consulting and Training - A Unique Approach
Take advantage of Beverly's 19 years involvement in the laundry industry including the following areas: laundromat ownership; publications, public speaking events, SOCal CLA past president (twice) and active Board Member, CLA Board Member, plus numerous industry awards, and client testimonies.

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