Beverly Kay Laundry Consulting & Training The Beverly Kay Way
Beverly Kay Laundry Consulting & Training The Beverly Kay Way
I’m working with a client who wants to convert her warehouse space to a complete processing site with all the necessary equipment. Several advantages she will explore include offering a consistent, high-quality fluff and fold service (along with dry cleaning, alterations, and delivery services) which she can offer to other laundry sites who do not want or have the staff, space or equipment to provide these services.
A succesful, retired professional would like to co-partner with me to purchase and operate a laundromat. He’ll provide all funding, while I’ll supply the “sweat equity” for this project. He’s confident that I’m the right partner for this business venture based on my personal involvement and expertise in the laundry industry.
A third client is in dire straits and has hired me to provide on-going consulting services to revive under-performing sites:
Site A: A complete reorganization of a mismanaged and neglected laundromat in a very marginal area with very little parking.
Site B: Cleaning up the premises, create a meaningful marketing program (including social media) and utilize the ample space to provide additional laundry-related services.