7 Reasons for Fluff & Fold

In 2001 we opened Beverly’s Laundromat amidst fifty competing laundries within a two-mile radius. Even though the area is very densely populated with dozens of apartment buildings on every block, we knew that ancillary services needed to be included to substantially increase our monthly gross revenue. And so I decided to introduce fluff and fold services (also called wash-dry-fold, drop off, or bundled services). It was my goal to offer a superior product which in turn would command substantially higher prices than my “competition”. I know of highly successful store owners who generate 30-50% of their gross revenue just from their drop off service. With aggressive pricing, there’s lots of money to add to your bank account even after paying all the related expenses. Now I’m going to share seven reasons for you to consider adding fluff and fold services to your profit center, which can result in a more successful bottom liny. And isn’t that everyone’s goal?

  1. In my opinion, especially in urban areas, to provide a clean, safe facility without well-trained staff is an open invitation to a variety of problems! In the national CLA 2006 laundromat customer survey, “safety” ranked third (after cleanliness) in selecting which laundromat to do the weekly laundry. Recently, I had to do laundry in an un-attended store in a marginal area of Los Angeles and was unnerved by a homeless guy sleeping on the bench inside. After an hour in which he did not move, I was very tempted to call9-1-1, just in case! In California, perhaps the most litigious state in the Union, liability issues and lawsuits are problems just waiting to happen: damaged expensive equipment, stolen personal property, graffiti, product theft, accidents (real or staged), and gang action are only a sampling of problems which can be reduced or eliminated when trained staff is on site. Why take risks?
  2. How often have you walked into a laundromat, glanced around only to realize there’s no one to help you? Over the years, I’ve visited hundreds of laundromats in the U.S. and Canada and I continue to be amazed and dismayed by this same scenario. Yes, our stores are called “self service” but the machinery is so much more complicated than in the past wherein you inserted your coins, selected temperatures, pushed the coin slide, and … badda bing, badda boom … the cycle started. A well-trained attendant can handle most customer problems (proper use of machines, refunds, clarifying instructions, store information, etc.). The end result will be happy, satisfied, and loyal customers. Signage alone won’t suffice or replace the personal touch the staff offers. When we first opened our store, we had 8″xll” signs posting equipment prices atop all the machines. And still customers would ask about the prices! Attendants are ‘ the conduit to facilitate a positive customer laundry experience.
  3. Some of you may remember a popular song from the 1960’s entitled, “Little Things Mean a Lot”. The title is self-explanatory. What “little” things are done in your store to create your customers’ loyalty? After all, laundromats offer the same basics: washers, dryers, folding tables, products, etc. When you have helpful, attentive attendants who genuinely care about the customers, you raise the bar for your competing stores. Your staff can readily create customer rapport and loyalty by providing the following actions at little or no-cost:

a. Greeting customers by name

b. Thanking them for their business

c. Assisting them at arrival or departure

d. Engaging in brief chats … “getting to know you”

e. Getting or retrieving a laundry cart

f. Reminding them about “specials”

g. Offering a FREE dry cycle (25¢)

h. Give a lollipop/candy to kids when they are leaving (10¢)

i. FREE dryer sheet (2¢)

j. Change TV or radio channel (with some limits)

k. Be knowledgeable about local places (restaurants, bank, directions, etc.)

(Note: All of the above remind your customers that “We care about you!” and we value your business!)

  1. An often quoted remark, “Cleanliness is next to godliness” is most apropos in the self service laundry business. In the aforementioned CLA customer survey regarding their priorities, it is no surprise that a clean laundromat was the second most important feature listed. As previously mentioned, having visited so many self service Laundromats, I can assure you that I have seen some very pathetic and downright frightening locations; and usually they are unattended. Having involved staff can help to eliminate or minimize the accumulation of trash, spilled detergents and liquids, dirty equipment, filthy bathrooms, and that’s just for starters. When a store is clean and well maintained, most customers feel obligated to do their part too. Overflowing trash cans, dryer sheets and debris scattered around, abandoned cans and bottles atop equipment and on tables all contribute to an unsightly and neglected store. After all, if at first glance the store is dirty, how confident will you be that your clothes will be clean when you remove them from the washers or dryers? Will Rogers once said, ”You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” So what first impression do your customers have at your store? Most customers will follow the attendant’s actions in keeping the store clean!
  2. When hiring and then training your attendants, it’s most important that he/she feels invested in the success of your business. I often remind my staff that everyone who walks through and spends money in our laundromat is helping to pay their salaries and my rent. Well-trained/well paid or incentivized staff need to be super sales people who generate additional income via fluff ‘n fold plus other services, selling products, discussing promotions, etc. Recently, I observed a young bachelor stuffing all his dried laundry into a huge bag (the same one in which he had the dirty clothes .. . ugh). I approached him, introduced myself, and gave him a 30-second spiel about the benefits of our drop off service. In addition, I gave him our business card and a 20% discount on his first order. Your staff can generate new customers in this very simple manner, and receive (if you choose to do so) some bonus money. By the way, incentavizing your staff is a great motivational tool for them and results in more revenue for you!
  3. If you aren’t doing business in this laundromat, you don’t have business being here. Although this may sound very harsh, my customers have confided that they’re very happy that our staff enforces this policy. Few customers want to be hassled by street vendors hawking their wares. Safety issues also become problematic. Strangers who walk in without intentions to do laundry probably have other motives in mind. You’re in the laundry business – a “for-profit” endeavor, I hope! Operate it as a business for those people who have chosen your location to do their laundry. It’s the attendant’s duty to see that your customers can finish their laundry quickly and safely without unnecessary distractions.
  4. I overheard this response when an untrained, indifferent attendant picked up the tele phone … “Andy’s laundry … Huh … ? Yeah … ten,” click. Unfortunately this is a typical example of how the phone is answered by too many staff members. There’s a golden opportunity each time that phone rings to bring in new customers, answer questions, promote your store’s unique benefits, and resolve challenges. Did she answer the caller’s question … probably yes. However, she could have said much more in a concise and enthusiastic manner. Her 5-second response came across (to me at least) as, “Hey, I gotta get·.off the phone and finish my text message!” Not much “customer service” being offered here at this store, I’d say.

There you have it store owners: 7 reasons why including drop off services (aka fluff and fold, or wash-dry-fold) will provide additional benefits to your laundromat when you include attentive, well-trained staff touting and protecting your business investment while matching the socks to complete the customer’s order!

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